Clue Law

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a waiting period to get a divorce?
Yes. In cases with minor children, there is a 90-day waiting period from the date the Petition is filed. In cases without minor children, there is a 10-day waiting period from the date the Petition is filed.
How do I serve my spouse?
Your spouse can be served by personal delivery via process server, certified mail, or publication.
Where do I file for divorce?
In the County where you or your spouse have lived for at least 30 days.
What are the filing fees?
The filing fees for divorce and legal separation in 2015 are $198.70.
What is the difference between legal separation and divorce?
When a divorce action is completed, you are no longer married to your former spouse. Like divorce, legal separation entitles you to a determination of custody, child support, and alimony and property division. When the legal separation matter is completed, you are still married to your spouse. The decree of legal separation comes to an end when the parties legally divorce or reconcile. The property division from the decree of legal separation is binding in a subsequent divorce between the parties.
How do I deal with a spouses aggressive lawyer?
Attorneys are required by the state bar to litigate matters professionally. This obligation includes: civility, professional integrity, personal dignity, candor, diligence, respect, courtesy, and cooperation, all of which are essential to the fair administration of justice and conflict resolution. An aggressive lawyer may behave unprofessionally by engaging in inappropriate communication with the other lawyer or client. This lawyer may also be seeking outcomes that are unreasonable under Oklahoma law. The best way to deal with this kind of behavior is to not react to inappropriate or personal criticism, and to stay focused on reasonable goals. Maintaining professionalism at all times benefits your case, and ensures your attorney has a high reputation among judges and mediators.
What is mediation?
When parties are unwilling or unable to resolve a dispute, one good option is to turn to mediation. Mediation is generally a short-term, structured, task-oriented, and “hands-on” process.

In mediation, the disputing parties work with a neutral third party, the mediator, to resolve their disputes. The mediator facilitates the resolution of the parties’ disputes by supervising the exchange of information and the bargaining process. The mediator helps the parties find common ground and deal with unrealistic expectations. He or she may also offer creative solutions and assist in drafting a final settlement. The role of the mediator is to interpret concerns, relay information between the parties, frame issues, and define the problems.
How successful is Carrie Luelling? How often does she win her cases?
Carrie Luelling is a successful and skilled attorney. Carrie is a graduate of the prestigious National Family Law Trial Institute and the Roger Dodd Advanced Cross Examination Training. If your case is unable to be resolved short of trial, you can be assured that Carrie has the experience and training to zealously represent your interests.
Why should I hire your law firm?
Hiring an attorney is a big step. Carrie understands the stress and uncertainty that accompany family law matters. Ultimately, hiring an attorney comes down to the person you like and feel will provide the most responsiveness. Carrie personally works on all her cases, and never delegates client work to an associate. She provides exceptional responsiveness for any emergencies, and gives her personal cell phone number to all of her clients. Carrie keeps all her cases moving, and you can rest assured a client’s file will not be stuck at the bottom of her inbox while the client is wondering why their divorce is taking so long.
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