Clue Law

Custody and Visitation

The most important thing when it comes to children is a close and nurturing relationship. At the end of any custody or divorce case involving children, the Oklahoma court makes a ruling as to which parent will have legal custody of the child (children) and how much parenting time a child spends with each parent.

Child custody refers to the rights and obligations of the parent or parents, regarding a child (children) after a divorce, legal separation, or paternity decree. There are two independent types of custody.

The parent with sole legal child custody has the legal authority to make major decisions on behalf of the child (children. To have the court modify the custody designation once a parent has been granted sole custody, the remaining parent must prove the custodial parent has had a substantial negative change in his or her ability to parent. In the interest of the child (children) it is especially important to have the proper outcome at trial.

In assigning custody, the court determines what is in the best interests of the child. This includes the following relevant factors:

In Oklahoma, no preference in custody is given to the mother over the father for the sole reason she is the mother, nor shall any preference be given to the father over the mother for the sole reason he is the father.

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